Will Labor Effect Seniors Housing?


Will Labor Effect Seniors Housing

Will Labor Effect Seniors Housing? My guess is the answer is yes. Labor shortages is a real challenge for Seniors Housing operators. I’m hearing more and more that agency and temp workers, which is costly, is becoming standard in most buildings.  I can’t get through a discussion about buying or selling without labor being brought up.  Job gain has been strong across the country.  Unemployment is hovering around 4.9%.  It is getting increasingly difficult for Seniors Housing Owners to find and attract quality employees.  It isn’t just the care givers.  It is difficult to find and retain quality executive directors and department heads.  While the front line workers are the key to success, it starts with quality leadership.

Ways operators are overcoming the labor challenges

Owners are targeting more experienced workers.  Many of them could retire, being vested or having retirement savings secure.  However, they love what they do and have more experience than anyone.  Owners are finding ways to bring those individuals in a leadership or ownership sharing capacity.

Many are offering retention bonuses for front line, entry level positions.  The longer employees stay with less turnover, the more owners are saving money.

Bottom line not hurting yet

Thankfully, wages have not increased with reduced unemployment. This is more true for front line, entry level positions.  This is primarily due to older. more experienced workers retiring and being replaced by younger, cheaper labor.

What does this mean for you?

There is no doubt that labor is going to be a challenge for many years to come.  If you have thought about selling nursing home or selling assisted living now is the time.  Take advantage of the great market with low interest rates and capital available.  Everyone is waiting for the shoe to drop on the market.  Act now before that shoe drops.

Contact Ryan M. Saul, Managing Director at Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. for a confidential proposal or to discuss the market in general.


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REIT buyers are quiet


REIT Buyers Quiet
REIT Buyers Quiet

REIT buyers are quiet.

With the low cost of capital and Wall Street behind REIT growth in Seniors Housing, REITs have been buying nursing home and assisted living portfolios at a rapid pace for the last three years. However, all is currently quiet on the REIT front.

Why has there been a slow down with REITs buying?

A few reasons.  1) There is a lack of quality Seniors Housing portfolios on the market.  Those companies with high quality portfolios that thought about selling have already done so over the last few years. 2) The REITs are in the process of digesting all of the properties that they have purchased.  Like any good investor, they want to be sure their operator has success with what they currently operate.  This preserves value and makes sure their assets are headed in the right direction. 3) REITs are trying to figure out what they are going to do with some of their older, aging real estate.  They are focusing on selling older, smaller, non-core assets.

Please contact Ryan Saul if you have thought about selling.  Now is a great time to sell while interest rates are still at historic lows.  Also contact me if you are in the market to buy nursing home or buy assisted living.  Our inventory is constantly changing.

The post REIT buyers are quiet appeared first on Senior Living Investment Brokerage.

Non-Core Properties Present Best Buying Opportunities Today


I recently participated on a panel that discussed where the most opportunities are today. Non-Core Properties Present Best Buying Opportunities Today.

Ryan Saul Sell Assisted Living

Here is a link to read more about the latest Seniors Housing News and what is driving deal velocity.  Senors Housing Midwest Conference Article

To discuss your buying and selling goals, please contact Ryan Saul.

The post Non-Core Properties Present Best Buying Opportunities Today appeared first on Senior Living Investment Brokerage.

Is “Price Per Unit” a Good Valuation Metric for Senior Living


According to the Senior Care Acquisition Report 2016, the average price per unit for Assisted Living Facilities in 2015 was $189,200 and for Independent Living Facilities it was $192,900.   However, is this really a good metric for valuing a senior living community?

In 2015 the average price per unit for Class A Independent Living Facilities was $248,500 and Class B wa $138,300.   We currently have a Class C, 110-unit Independent Living Community under contract in the Pacific Northwest that will sell for less than $40,000/unit.  As a company, last year we sold Skilled Nursing Facilities from $10,000-$130,000+/bed and Assisted Living Communities from $20,000-$300,000+.  There are some older facilities in rural areas that have negative EBITDA which may not have any interested buyers and thus have little, if any value.  Additionally, there are facilities in downtown areas of San Francisco, Seattle and New York for example that would sell for $500,000+/unit if they were actively marketed by Senior Living Investment Brokerage, INC today.

Because of the wide range in prices, we strongly recommend that owners focus more on cap rates and internal rates of return when valuing their properties.   Ultimately, buyers are interested in a return on their investment and they will use these metrics to determine the price they will pay.   The price per unit then becomes the result of and not the cause of the price.

To discuss the value of your Senior Living or Skilled Nursing Facility please contact Jason Punzel at 630-858-2501 x 233 or [email protected]  or Joy Goebbert at 630-858-2501 x 230 or [email protected].

The post Is “Price Per Unit” a Good Valuation Metric for Senior Living appeared first on Senior Living Investment Brokerage.